Clear Search
Out of Stock

Pinus monophylla

Pinus monophylla

Single-leaf Pinyon Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus nigra

Pinus nigra Slovenia


Austrian Pine, European Black Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus parviflora

Pinus parviflora

Five-needle Pine, Japanese Five Needle Pine, Japanese White Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus ponderosa

Pinus ponderosa var. brachyptera

var. brachyptera

Ponderosa Pine, Southwestern Ponderosa Pine, Western Yellow Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus resinosa

Pinus resinosa

Red Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus rigida

Pinus rigida

Picky Pine, Pitch Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus sylvestris

Pinus sylvestris France, Casadeen

France, Casadeen

Scotch Pine, Scots Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus sylvestris

Pinus sylvestris France, Gevaudan

France, Gevaudan

Scotch Pine, Scots Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus taeda

Pinus taeda

Loblolly Pine

Out of Stock

Podocarpus macrophyllus

Podocarpus macrophyllus Maki


Southern Yew, Yew Plum Pine

Out of Stock

Populus balsamifera

Populus balsamifera

Balsam Poplar

Out of Stock

Dodecatheon denticulata

Primula denticulata


Drumstick Primrose, Drumstick Primula

Out of Stock

Dodecatheon denticulata

Primula denticulata Alba

Primula var. Alba

White Drumstick Primrose, White Drumstick Primula

Out of Stock

Primula vulgaris

Primula vulgaris

English Primrose

Out of Stock

Prunus armeniaca

Prunus armeniaca Mandshurica

var. mandshurica

Apricot, Mandshurian Apricot

Out of Stock

Prunus davidiana

Prunus davidiana

Chinese Wild Peach, David Peach

Out of Stock

Prunus mume

Prunus mume

Chinese Plum, Japanese Apricot, Japanese Flowering Apricot

Out of Stock

Prunus sargentii

Prunus sargentii

Sakura, Sargent Cherry

Out of Stock

Prunus serotina

Prunus serotina

Black Cherry

Out of Stock

Prunus spinosa

Prunus spinosa

Blackthorn, Sloe

Out of Stock

Prunus subhirtella

Prunus subhirtella

Higan Cherry, Rosebud Cherry, Spring Cherry, Winter Flowering Cherry

Out of Stock

Psoralea glandulosa

Psoralea glandulosa


Out of Stock

Ptelea trifoliata

Ptelea trifoliata var. twigs & leaves

Common Hoptree, Hop Tree, Stinking Ash, Wafer Ash

Out of Stock

Quercus agrifolia

Quercus agrifolia

California Live Oak, Coast Live Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus cerris

Quercus cerris

European Turkey Oak, Turkey Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus chrysolepis

Quercus chrysolepis

Canyon Live Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus coccinea

Quercus coccinea

Scarlet Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus durata

Quercus durata

Leather Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus gambelii

Quercus gambelii

Gambel Oak, Gambells Oak, Gambels Oak, Oak Brush, Scrub Oak, White Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus geminata

Quercus geminata

Sand Live Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus ilicifolia

Quercus ilicifolia

Bear Oak, Scrub Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus lobata

Quercus lobata

California White Oak, Valley Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus robur

Quercus robur

English Oak, Pedunculate Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus robur

Quercus robur x turbinella

var. x turbinella

English x Scrub Oak Hybrid

Out of Stock

Quercus sinuata

Quercus sinuata var. breviloba

var. breviloba

Bastard Oak, Bigelow Oak, Scaly-bark Oak, Shortlobe Oak, White Shin Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus vacciniifolia

Quercus vaccinifolia

Huckleberry Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus undulata

Quercus undulata


Wavyleaf Oak

Out of Stock

Rhamnus cathartica

Rhamnus cathartica

Common Buckthorn

Out of Stock

Rhapis excelsa

Rhapis excelsa

Broadleaf Lady Palm, Lady Palm

Out of Stock

Rhododendron occidentale

Rhododendron occidentale

Western Azalea

Out of Stock

Rosa multiflora

Rosa multiflora

Baby Rose, Japanese Rose, Multiflora Rose

Out of Stock

Rubus idaeus

Rubus idaeus

European Raspberry, Framboise, Red Raspberry

Out of Stock

Sanguisorba officinalis

Sanguisorba officinalis

Burnet, Official Burnet

Out of Stock

Santalum album

Santalum album


Out of Stock

Sarracenia flava

Sarracenia flava

Yellow Pitcher Plant

Out of Stock

Sarracenia gronovii

Sarracenia gronovii var. rubra

var. rubra

Sweet Pitcherplant

Out of Stock

Serenoa repens

Serenoa repens Silver

var. Silver

Silver Saw Palmetto

Out of Stock

Silybum marianum

Silybum marianum

Blessed Milkthistle, Holy Thistle, Mary Thistle, Milk Thistle

Out of Stock

Sorbus decora

Sorbus decora

Northern Mountain Ash, Showy Mountain Ash

Out of Stock

Spartium junceum

Spartium junceum

Spanish Broom

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269 NY-34 Locke NY 13092

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